
(Ages 6-12)

Our Lower and Upper Elementary Program

Montessori elementary studies are based on a cultural curriculum that integrates history, geography, mathematics (including geometry and algebra), advanced practical life, life sciences (and other sciences), language, literature, art and music. Teaching peace is a very important part of the Montessori education in the elementary curriculum. The children can appreciate and understand how individuals, communities and nations can make significant changes to make a better world when their actions and decisions are made to prevail peace.

Cosmic education includes The Five Great Lessons that inspire the children to explore other subjects in the Montessori curriculum, such as history, geography, science, and language. Since all these fields are interconnected, they open ground to cross-curricular activities.


Social and Moral Development

Montessori elementary classrooms are multi-age settings. Classes are divided into groups of children 6-9 (lower elementary). Mixed-age grouping encourages an organic sense of family and community while providing mentoring opportunities in which older students help the younger, thereby reinforcing their own skills in the process.

Physical and Motor Development

The Montessori elementary classroom is characterized by freedom of movement, open work space, and uninterrupted blocks of time for individual and group projects. These features all help to support children ages 6-12 as they work to gain control over their growing bodies and as their drive toward autonomy becomes more sophisticated.


Cognitive Development

Correlating with children’s maturation during the elementary years, the Montessori curriculum builds on three characteristics of the age periods:

  • the growing ability to form abstractions from concrete information

  • the drive to develop and to be accepted by one’s peer group

  • children’s fascination with all aspects of their culture and with the grandeur of the world at large